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  Read 10 new books from O'Reilly for free

Recently O'Reilly provided free access to some books. Some of them are even in early release status. Here we recommend 10 of them. 1、Mastering Perl 2、Git Pocket Guide 3、Vagrant: Up and Running 4、High Performance Browser Networking 5、802.11ac: A Survival Guide 6、Test-Driven Development with Python 7、Interactive Data Visualization for the Web 8、HTML5 Canvas 9、Programming JavaScript Applications 10、Agile Data Source : http://linu...

   O'Reilly,Free book,Early release     2013-07-03 07:56:20

  Guide to use Compass

Sass is one kind of CSS Preprocessor, it can make CSS development simple and maintainable. But to show its real power we may need to have Compass. This article is to introduce Compass. Once you learn Compass, your CSS development efficiency will be largely improved. Here we assume you have mastered the major uses of CSS, if you know Sass, then it's better. It's still ok if you don't know Sass. 1. What is Compass? In simple, Compass it the toolkit of Sass. Sass itself is only a compiler, Compass...

   Compass,CSS,Sass,Tutorial     2012-12-03 13:35:46

  About tmpfs

tmpfs is another confusing name in Linux kernel, its implementation is in mm/shmem.c, shmem has no relation to tmpfs at first glance although we know tmpfs is based on memory. We can understand why we use this name by seeing where this is used. In a desktop Linux system, tmpfs is loaded usually: % grep tmpfs /proc/mountsdevtmpfs /dev devtmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,relatime,size=1958956k,nr_inodes=489739,mode=755 0 0tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0tmpfs /run tmpfs rw,seclab...

   tmpfs,Linux,file system     2013-06-14 12:10:56

  How to handle ES6 modules in NodeJS

In modern JavaScript, there are two types of modules: ES6 module and CommonJS module used by NodeJS. These two types of module are not compatible. Many people would wonder how to load ES6 modules in their NodeJS project. This post will show how this can be done. Difference The syntax of the module being loaded is different. CommonJS modules are loaded with require() and exported with module.exports. ES6 modules are loaded and exported using import and export respectively. Merchanismwise require(...

   NODEJS,COMMONJS,ES6     2020-08-28 22:01:33

  socket_create() from command prompt with WAMP

Problem:I’m working on a wamp system, and have started playing around with sockets. I enabled sockets via the wamp interface:wamp : PHP settings : PHP extensions : php_socketsand could run my php file via my browser.When trying to run the same file via the command prompt (start : run : cmd), I got the following error:Fatal error: Call to undefined function socket_create() in … on line …Solution:The command prompt uses a different php.ini file to the apache server.The Apac...

   PHP,WAMP,Windows,Command line,Socket     2011-05-30 10:59:14

  Remove browse button from input type=file

In Web 2.0 era, many websites will ask the user to upload their avatar when creating their profile. In HTML, the input control we should use is input="file". This is a file control provided by the browser vendor and it should be ran in a sandbox for security consideration. Browsers don't provide ways to choose file from local and upload to the remote server without the input="file" control.  There is one annoying part about the input="file", which is a default button named "Choose File" or...

   file,html,browse,remove browse button     2015-07-12 05:17:51

  The new Google Search By Voice

Along with the new announcement of the new Google logo, there is a new change to the Google search -- The Google Search By Voice. When you use Google in a browser, you will see below color mic icon now:   With this, you can search by speaking in front of your computer,  OK, Google will listens to what you are saying and do the search for you.  As described by Google, this change: A colorful Google mic help you identify and interact with Google whether you’re talking, tap...

   Google, Google voice, Google logo     2015-09-02 11:07:13

  Now Instagram supports short video sharing

This week we had one article If Instagram supports short video sharing. It said that Facebook might announce a new product in this week's press event on 20 June. In this article, the product to be launched was a short video sharing capability on Instagram instead of RSS reader as predicted previously. Yesterday the answer is revealed. Video on Instagram came out. Video on Instagram enables you to share your story in another way. Now you can see a movie camera button next to the photo button. Yo...

   Instagram,short video share,Vine     2013-06-21 09:40:38

  Create temp file in Bash using mktemp and trap

When working on Linux Bash, sometimes there is need to create temporary file. A common way of creating temp file on Linux is creating some file in /tmp directory. However there is security risk when creating temp file in /tmp directory. This post will show how to securely create temp file in Linux Bash. When creating file in /tmp directory, there are some security risks. This directory can be accessed by any user on the system, any user can write data into this directory as well. The files creat...

   LINUX,MKTEMP,TRAP,TEMP FILE     2019-12-30 23:28:23

  My frequently used Linux commands

In our day to day work. We may have many chances working on Linux/Unix systems. There are many things we may need to do, checking logs, navigating in directories, creating file or installing software. We may use many commands to complete the work, such as ls, mkdir, cd etc. Below are my frequently used Linux commands or programs recently: pwd : print working directory, sometimes I need to check which working directory I am in in order to know where to go next. ls : List current directory files,...

   Linux,Command,Program     2012-08-16 15:09:42